Atlantic Station is committed to celebrating people of all cultures and backgrounds and providing an inclusive space for our entire community. This winter marks our second year celebrating Lunar New Year, and we are so excited to recognize this holiday and help educate guests about this long-standing tradition.
Here are three reasons to join Atlantic Station in celebrating Lunar New Year this year.
1. Learn something new
Lunar New Year is a celebration that begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later. This year, the lunar calendar begins on February 1.
According to the Chinese calendar, the year you are born might determine your personality. Each year is represented by an animal, called a Chinese zodiac sign. Those born during the 2022 lunar calendar will be born in the Year of the Tiger. (Source: National Geographic) Defining traits include bravery, competitiveness and charm. (Source: Chinese Zodiac)
Lunar New Year is known for its beautiful dances and festivals, culminating in the Lantern Festival, which is typically celebrated on the last day of the celebrations. (Source: Britannica) You can experience some of these traditions at Atlantic Station. Read on to learn more!
2. Make memories
On January 27 and February 10 from 6 – 7pm, watch the Chien Hong School of Kung Fu perform the Lion Dance on Atlantic Green. Lion Dance is an important ritual in Chinese tradition believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. Great performances have the ability to bring happiness in the new year!
During this performance, you can expect to see dancers mimic lions’ movements in elaborate lion costumes. Lions play an important role in Chinese mythology, as they represent joy and happiness.

A traditional lion costume.
If you can’t make it for a Lion Dance performance, don’t fret! Every evening between January 18 and February 28, on the top of the hour from 5 – 9pm, catch a mesmerizing lantern show on Atlantic Green. There are over 450 beautiful red lanterns strung high in the sky, making for a stunning and memorable display.

Don’t miss the daily lantern show on Atlantic Green.
This year for the first time, guests can also participate in a scavenger hunt on our Instagram stories. Tune in from February 1 – 8 at 10am for a clue about where a red treat bag is hidden in the district. If you think you know where the bag is, submit your answer in the daily question box. Don’t forget to mention why that location is significant to Lunar New Year! The most accurate guess of each day will win the treat bag, which will include chocolate coins, a gift card ranging from $10 – $50 at an Atlantic Station retailer or restaurant and a temporary A-Card with discounts to Atlantic Station retailers and restaurants.
Finally, guests are always welcome to enjoy our Lunar New Year décor on their own time. In addition to the magnificent display of lanterns on Atlantic Green, visitors can see a spectacular 90-foot “fire-breathing” red dragon snaking its way around the district, symbolizing good luck and prosperity.
3. Make a difference
Although beautiful, our Lunar New Year display is more than just Instagram-worthy. Last year, we donated $1 for each of the red lanterns hung up on Atlantic Green to Stop AAPI Hate, an organization dedicated to ending racism against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States. We have pledged to support the same cause this year and encourage others who are moved by the cause to do the same.